Tree Giant315Name: Tree Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
250Level: 210
Location: Puddleby forests (Tree giant breeding grounds), Northeastern foothills (Tree giant breeding grounds)
215Information: Chest. Drops item. Occasionally drop chests with about 25 coins inside (and a log of wood!).
Rarity: Common
190Worth: Chest: Around 25 coins [uncommon]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
12DPS: 90

Willow Giant220Name: Willow Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
325Level: 235
Location: Puddleby forests (Tree giant breeding grounds), Northeastern foothills (Tree giant breeding grounds)
225Information: Chest. Drops item. Occasionally drop chests with about 25 coins inside (and a log of wood!).
Rarity: Medium
250Worth: Chest: Around 25 coins [uncommon]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
12DPS: 94

Oak Giant290Name: Oak Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
525Level: 270
Location: Puddleby forests (Tree giant breeding grounds), Northeastern foothills (Tree giant breeding grounds), Cimmbrion's palace
250Information: None.
Rarity: Rare in TGBG1, common in the others
300Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
16DPS: 78

Ash Giant310Name: Ash Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
750Level: 380
Location: Northeastern foothills (Tree giant breeding grounds), Cimmbrion's Palace
300Information: Fast. One is in the seventh circle healer's test.
Rarity: Medium
275Worth: Bounty: Up to 1c (uncommon, often 0c)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured (maybe over-estimated?). Histia is measured.
16DPS: 94

Tree Giant Wight230Name: Tree Giant Wight
Family: Tree Elemental
800Level: 385
Location: Ash Island (Darshak Forest)
800Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
825Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Highly variable hits. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
13DPS: 308

Frost Giant130Name: Frost Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
700Level: 395
Location: Kizmia's Island glacier, cloud
375Information: Chest. Drops item. Occasionally drops a chest containing a log of wood with a few coins inside.
Rarity: Medium (Glacier), Rare (Cloud)
400Worth: Bounty: 1 – 2 and Chest: Around 20 coins [medium]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured. Defense to brick is reasonably estimated.
24DPS: 78

Sturdy Oak Giant350Name: Sturdy Oak Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
750Level: 415
Location: Gungla Island (Northeast Forests)
325Information: Chest. Drops item. Occasionally drops a study limb filled with coins (the limb can then be used for crafting).
Rarity: Medium
450Worth: Bounty: 0 – 1 and Chest: Around 50 coins [medium]
Difficulty: Much, uh, sturdier than the normal oak giants. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
14DPS: 116

Redwood Giant310Name: Redwood Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
800Level: 415
Location: Northeastern foothills (Tree giant breeding grounds), Cimmbrion's palace
325Information: One can be found in the seventh circle healer's test.
Rarity: Medium
550Worth: Bounty: 0 – 1
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
16DPS: 102

Ice Giant330Name: Ice Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
1100Level: 440
Location: Kizmia's Island cove, cloud
425Information: None
Rarity: Rare
400Worth: Bounty: 1 – 2
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
24DPS: 89

Ironwood Giant430Name: Ironwood Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
1000Level: 490
Location: Northeastern foothills (Tree giant breeding grounds), Metzetli Island rainforest (Deathroots)
600Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
550Worth: Bounty: 0 – 1
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
22DPS: 136

Silverfir Scion350Name: Silverfir Scion
Family: Tree Elemental
1800Level: 599
Location: Vale of Giants (Silversnag Ascent)
550Information: Around 8-10 of these are regularly summoned by the boss tree. Cannot be stuffed, cannot be studied. [Level is well-estimated.]
Rarity: Common (Boss Spawn)
750Worth: Bounty: 1 – 4
Difficulty: Very high variability; can go from "kill" to "slaughter" from one to the next. Darkus is measured, but again, highly variable. However they tend to be quite difficult to brick and they all swing at the same rate.
5.3DPS: 524

Arboreal Fervor666Name: Arboreal Fervor
Family: Tree Elemental
666Level: 666
Location: Cimmbrion's Palace (Eastern Plant Room)
666Information: Semi-feraler. Thievery, steals from exiles that it kills. Coins not returned when it is killed. Experience level is entirely variable depending on which exile it "clones", like the Torched Fervor and Anguished Spirit.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Tremendous variation in strength in all strengths since they take the training of a nearby exile to copy. Thus, numbers are meaningless.
4DPS: 833

Hickory Giant470Name: Hickory Giant
Family: Tree Elemental
1550Level: 725
Location: Eastern Mountains (Bison Plains and the Ensconcement), Cimmbrion's Palace
600Information: Throws stick (1600 Darkus every ~160 frames, with significant variation).
Rarity: Medium
650Worth: Bounty: 1 - 2
Difficulty: Defense to brick is > 1550. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
14DPS: 214

Tangleberry Colossus460Name: Tangleberry Colossus
Family: Tree Elemental
1750Level: 770
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Rainforest Zone)
750Information: None (although fairly substantial Troilus).
Rarity: Common. Splits; when killed, around 6 tanglebirds are spawned.
2200Worth: Bounty: 1-2c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7DPS: 536

Silverfir Colossus790Name: Silverfir Colossus
Family: Tree Elemental
2400Level: 1175
Location: Vale of Giants (Silversnag Ascent)
625Information: When it hits an exile, it has a large chance to freeze the exile for a few seconds, slowing their movement - similar to a web, but much harder to avoid.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
5DPS: 625

Zu Skyant860Name: Zu Skyant
Family: Tree Elemental
2100Level: 1175
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Skybrary - Sky Zone)
675Information: None
Rarity: Common
1250Worth: Bounty: 1-3c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
5DPS: 675

Thornwood Colossus160Name: Thornwood Colossus
Family: Tree Elemental
3500Level: 1255
Location: Vale of Giants (Forest)
1650Information: Reflects damage on those who hit it. High Troilus. If not injured for a short period of time, it will cast a red aura and regenerate its full health.
Rarity: Common
2200Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is calculated. Defense to brick is reasonably estimated. Atkus to hit is measured.
7.5DPS: 1100

Tree Colossus1020Name: Tree Colossus
Family: Tree Elemental
2200Level: 1265
Location: Vale of Giants (Forest)
1050Information: Common. Splits; when killed, 2 Happy Lil' Fledglings are spawned.
Rarity: Common
2000Worth: 0
Difficulty: Defense to brick is reasonably estimated. Atkus to hit is calculated. Darkus is calculated.
7DPS: 750

Bawkmas Colossus1150Name: Bawkmas Colossus
Family: Tree Elemental
2800Level: 1490
Location: Vale of Giants (Frigid Cavern)
1050Information: Throws object (Christmas ornament). Damage not measured. CV is measured.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
4DPS: 1313

Cedar Colossus930Name: Cedar Colossus
Family: Tree Elemental
2800Level: 1510
Location: Vale of Giants (Forest)
1350Information: Always drops a "fair" chest worth around 100c. Casts up to three roots to ensnare targeted exiles, rendering them unable to move, including an inability to heal or be healed, for roughly 8 seconds (roughly 40 frames, not timed). The roots damage for 16 higgrus per frame (measured).
Rarity: Medium
2300Worth: Drops a "fair" chest worth around 100c per person, regardless of how many people are in the area.
Difficulty: Extremely dangerous due to the root ensnaring. Darkus is measured (does not count roots). Atkus to hit is measured.
5.5DPS: 1227

Heartwood HierophantName: Heartwood Hierophant
Family: Tree Elemental
Level: 2415
Location: Vale of Giants (Deep Forest)
Information: ??
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
Difficulty: ??

Father Silversnag710Name: Father Silversnag
Family: Tree Elemental
3200Level: 2480
Location: Vale of Giants (Silversnag Ascent, Frigid Cavern)
1350Information: Summons around 10 Silverfir Scions in the area that will attack exiles.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
5000Worth: Drops a "fair" chest worth around 500c per exile [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
5.8DPS: 1174

Hardened Mud GolemName: Hardened Mud Golem
Family: Earth Elemental
Level: 0
Location: Sommbrion's Castle (Inner Tower, Depths)
Information: Throws a large mud ball.
Rarity: Common

Greymyr315Name: Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
500Level: 265
Location: Puddleby Island (Greymyr Village)
225Information: Throws projectile (small rock) every 160 frames (variable) which deals around 800 Darkus of damage. One is found in the seventh circle fighter's test, and one that does not throw rocks is in the third circle healer's test.
Rarity: Common
180Worth: Bounty: 1 – 2
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
6.2DPS: 181

Mud Golem350Name: Mud Golem
Family: Earth Elemental
700Level: 410
Location: Melabrion's castle
475Information: Throws projectile (mudballs). Drops item: unrefined gem (rare, roughly 1%)
Rarity: Common
675Worth: Bounty: 1 – 2
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
11DPS: 216

Mossy Greymyr590Name: Mossy Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
900Level: 435
Location: Mountain Glen
500Information: Very occasionally throws logs of wood that are similar to the rocks thrown by normal greymyr.
Rarity: Rare
460Worth: Bounty: 0 – 1
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
6.5DPS: 385

Ice Greymyr560Name: Ice Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
1200Level: 460
Location: Abyss 2
400Information: Throws projectile (lump of ice). Darkus is measured for swings. The lump of ice deals exactly 1500 Darkus' worth of damage (no variability) and it is thrown around every 160 frames (slight variability, measured). This is not accounted for in the darkus or DPS measurement as it is relatively easily avoided. One can be found in the eighth circle fighter's test.
Rarity: Common
325Worth: Bounty: 0 – 1
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
6.2DPS: 323

Basalt Greymyr570Name: Basalt Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
1100Level: 500
Location: Metzetli Island (basalt mountains)
475Information: Throws projectile (small rock roughly every 130 frames, dealing about 1250 Darkus' worth of damage). Somewhat darker than the ancient greymyr.
Rarity: Common
425Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. (Same as Ancient Greymyr, surprisingly?) Histia is meausred.
7.5DPS: 317

Glacial Greymyr580Name: Glacial Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
1250Level: 540
Location: Seasonal Cold & Snowy (Metzetli Island Jungle)
550Information: Throws rocks dealing 1750 Darkus roughly every 120-160 frames.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured. Histia is measured.
7.5DPS: 367

Ancient Greymyr570Name: Ancient Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
1300Level: 600
Location: Metzetli Island (basalt mountains)
750Information: Throws projectile (small rock) every 150 frames which deals 1500 Darkus of damage. Somewhat lighter than the basalt greymyr.
Rarity: Medium
650Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 469

Blizzard Greymyr690Name: Blizzard Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
1800Level: 680
Location: Eastern Mountains (Windweft and Foghaven Glacier)
550Information: Throws icy rocks every ~150 frames (variable throw rate, always hits for 2100 Darkus).
Rarity: Common
650Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
6.8DPS: 407

Spectral Greymyr760Name: Spectral Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
1900Level: 765
Location: Metzetli Island (Astrum Crypt)
675Information: Fires dangerous lightning bolts which bounce upon impact, not unlike those of the Orga Direlock (although with less frequency).
Rarity: Medium
650Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured (for swings, not bolts). Atkus to hit is measured.
7DPS: 482

Overgrown Greymyr630Name: Overgrown Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
1750Level: 820
Location: Eastern Mountains (Lower Foghaven Mountain)
600Information: Throws twigs every 150 frames (highly variable) that deal around 2000 Darkus of damage.
Rarity: Common
850Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7DPS: 429

Augite Greymyr980Name: Augite Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2000Level: 995
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts), Shadowspring Citadel
700Information: Throws rocks roughly every 150 frames (hits for 2800 Darkus).
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Defense to brick is somewhat estimated (toisicle bricks). Atkus to his is measured.
8DPS: 438

Silvercrag Greymyr950Name: Silvercrag Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2500Level: 1085
Location: Vale of Giants (Silversnag Ascent)
700Information: None.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured. Defense to brick is reasonably estimated.
5.5DPS: 636

Igneous Greymyr1200Name: Igneous Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2500Level: 1120
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts, Shadowspring Citadel)
800Information: Its attack will add additional direct fire damage (fire damage and frequency not measured).
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Incredibly difficult to hit. Darkus is measured (500 - not including flame damage). Atkus to hit is measured.
6DPS: 667

Greymyr Pusher1050Name: Greymyr Pusher
Family: Earth Elemental
2500Level: 1130
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts), Fountfell, Shadowspring Citadel
1200Information: Will push you. After being pushed, you can briefly not move or attack as if you are stunned.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
13.5DPS: 444

Greymyr Shover1070Name: Greymyr Shover
Family: Earth Elemental
2500Level: 1130
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts), Fountfell, Shadowspring Citadel
1150Information: Will push you. After being pushed, you can briefly not move or attack as if you are stunned.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
14DPS: 411

Greisen Greymyr730Name: Greisen Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2400Level: 1140
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts, Fountfell), Shadowspring Citadel
500Information: Throws a very heavy rock (3000 Darkus or so, not measured) at slow intervals.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
7.5DPS: 333

Mirkmyr Mechanic1250Name: Mirkmyr Mechanic
Family: Earth Elemental
2500Level: 1140
Location: Shadowplane
725Information: None.
Rarity: Medium-Common
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
8DPS: 453

Granite Greymyr920Name: Granite Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2400Level: 1160
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts), Shadowspring Citadel
580Information: Throws a rock dealing 3600 darkus (measured) at slow intervals (interval not measured).
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
8DPS: 363

Gilded Greymyr850Name: Gilded Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2200Level: 1170
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts)
700Information: Throws a projectile (gold ore). Drops item (lump of gold ore).
Rarity: Rare
1200Worth: Drops a chest worth a few hundred coins. (Very low N estimate.)
Difficulty: Medium? Stats all wildly estimated.

Mountain Greymyr810Name: Mountain Greymyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2400Level: 1275
Location: Eastern Mountains (Lower Foghaven Mountain)
1150Information: Throws large boulders (1750 Darkus worth of damage, interval not measured).
Rarity: Medium
1500Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured (requires a very well-timed swing; closer to 960 Atkus to hit well under normal circumstances).
7.5DPS: 767

Moltenmyr850Name: Moltenmyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2500Level: 1325
Location: Vale of Giants (Fountfell), Shadowspring Citadel
1675Information: Throws lava (see live picture). Pulls. Lava deals 160 Darkus of damage per frame. Frequency of throw and duration not measured.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is calculated. Defense to brick is > 2300
7.5DPS: 1117

Magmyr880Name: Magmyr
Family: Earth Elemental
2000Level: 1325
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts), Shadowspring Citadel
1400Information: Throws a flame projectile which creates a damaging pool of lava which lasts a few seconds. (See live image).
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
7.5DPS: 933

Fiery Bubble5Name: Fiery Bubble
Family: Fire Elemental
5Level: 60
Location: Kizmia's Island, Portal Island
200Information: Slow. Feral. Explode in a violent fire when they are popped. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
1Worth: 0
Difficulty: Dangerous when killed! Otherwise relatively harmless although they will eventually move towards you and attack. Darkus of their direct attack is measured (~40). If blown up, they do about 400 Darkus worth of damage (measured). Damage includes a rough mixture of both stats. They swing 4 times quickly in a row, then recover for 45 frames. Histia is measured.
15DPS: 67

Lava Walker50Name: Lava Walker
Family: Fire Elemental
100Level: 200
Location: Abyss, Devil's Island volcano, Kizmia's Island
260Information: Have a long range fire blast which does about the same damage as three orga warlock bolts, but they can emit the flames two or three times more frequently. Blast damages an area, and will hurt fallen. Four of these are in the eighth circle healer's test.
Rarity: Common
100Worth: 0
Difficulty: Swings come roughly every 5 frames and hit for 65 Darkus. Fireballs come roughly every 18 frames and hit for around 200 Darkus, unblockable with a large area effect. Damage stat and frames per swing stat are combining both types of attack. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7DPS: 186

Lava Elemental170Name: Lava Elemental
Family: Fire Elemental
1400Level: 520
Location: Mountain Glen, Deep Caves
900Information: After a VERY long delay, it will shoot a very dangerous, firey blast.
Rarity: Common
600Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Fire blast never recorded. Atkus to hit is measured.
19DPS: 237

Torched Fervor666Name: Torched Fervor
Family: Fire Elemental
666Level: 555
Location: Kizmia's Island (Umbrion's Castle)
666Information: Can heal other creatures. Two different types of Torched Fervors can be found: those which feral and those which do not. They take the strengths of a nearby exile when they spawn, so they can be extremely difficult or very weak. [Level is 100% variable depending on exile strengths, ranging from slaughter to vanquish.]
Rarity: Medium
666Worth: 0
Difficulty: Tremendous variation in strength in all strengths since they take the training of a nearby exile to copy. Thus, numbers are meaningless.
4DPS: 833

Water Burst90Name: Water Burst
Family: Water Elemental
0Level: 60
Location: Lugubrion's Keep
0Information: Pacifist. Homes in on exiles but does not attack
Rarity: Medium
50Worth: 0
Difficulty: No attack. Atkus to hit is measured.
0DPS: 0

Watery Guardian280Name: Watery Guardian
Family: Water Elemental
900Level: 415
Location: Lugubrion's Keep (Puddleby area, Thoom only)
400Information: Fires a lightning bolt much like the one the cloud of ether fires roughly every 60 frames, although it can only target an exile a short distance away (roughly line of sight). The lightning does not target the closest exile, nor the most wounded, instead seemingly randomly targeting. Lightning does 1400 Darkus of damage, every time.
Rarity: Common
400Worth: 0
Difficulty: Swing Darkus is 400 per 6 frames, plus 1400 Darkus bolt per 60 frames. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
6DPS: 333

Precarious Pebble1180Name: Precarious Pebble
Family: Stone Elemental
2500Level: 1135
Location: Shadowspring Citadel
500Information: Ferals.
Rarity: Medium
1100Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured (during normal attack pattern, not while trapped and swung out - which is VERY difficult to achieve).
5.5DPS: 455

Shambling SilverName: Shambling Silver
Family: Stone Elemental
Level: 1150
Location: Vale of Giants (Shadowspring Citadel)
Information: Drops a chest, unknown value
Worth: Drops a chest, unknown value
Difficulty: TBD

Shambling Stone570Name: Shambling Stone
Family: Stone Elemental
2500Level: 1155
Location: Vale of Giants (Shadowspring Citadel)
450Information: Ferals. Lots of Troilus. It has a shield of near-invincibility that activates and inactivates briefly every few seconds, shown by a glowing red spot.
Rarity: Medium
1000Worth: 0
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Other stats very roughly estimated.

Charged Chunk1200Name: Charged Chunk
Family: Stone Elemental
2200Level: 1220
Location: Vale of Giants
575Information: Fires chain lightning (1500 Darkus) roughly every 50 frames, bounces up to 6 times, dealing 1/2 damage each bounce.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.

Sundering Stone1000Name: Sundering Stone
Family: Stone Elemental
2500Level: 1940
Location: Vale of Giants (Shadowspring Citadel)
2000Information: Drops item (sapphire) which is in a chest that is occasionally dropped (unknown percentage). It has a shield of near-invincibility that activates briefly every few seconds, shown by a glowing red spot.
Rarity: Medium
2250Worth: 0
Difficulty: [Difficulty not correct at all.]