| 450 | Name: Su Monk Shadow |
Family: Insubstantial Undine |
1000 | Level: 525 |
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest and North Beach |
1050 | Information: Fires a small red lightning bolt (260 darkus, roughly every 26 frames). Is wounded by healing. Can be attacked with a dueling glove, but unless it is killed in one hit, it recovers to full health immediately afterwards. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is estimated, but no higher than 560 and no lower than 480.] |
Rarity: Common |
300 | Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 20 coins per person [100% chance to drop]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 20c total; 10 people = chest is 100c total) |
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. |
0 | DPS: |
 | 500 | Name: Dar'kin Shadow |
Family: Insubstantial Undine |
1500 | Level: 650 |
Location: Gho-Wei Island Forest, Mines, and East Cliffs |
975 | Information: Fires a thick red lightning bolt (1250 Darkus, roughly every 150 frames). Is wounded by healing. Can be attacked with a dueling glove, but unless it is killed in one hit, it recovers to full health immediately afterwards. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is estimated; no lower than 600 and no higher than 700.] |
Rarity: Common |
700 | Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 20 coins per person [100% chance to drop]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 40c total; 10 people = chest is 200c total) |
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. |
9 | DPS: 542 |
 | 500 | Name: Fang Warrior Shadow |
Family: Insubstantial Undine |
1700 | Level: 670 |
Location: Gho-Wei Island Forest, South Beach, Eastern Cliffs, Haunted Forest, and Haunted Fane |
850 | Information: Information: Throws rocks dealing 2100 Darkus of damage with large splash damage area, roughly every 150 frames. Can only be hurt by moonstones. Can be hit with a dueling glove, but this heals the shadow. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is poorly estimated but no higher than 700 and no lower than 600] |
Rarity: Common |
500 | Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 40 coins per person [100% chance to drop]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 80c total; 10 people = chest is 400c total) |
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. |
6 | DPS: 708 |
 | 950 | Name: Trainer Spirit |
Family: Insubstantial Undine |
2500 | Level: 1100 |
Location: Eastern Mountains (Windweft Glacier Cave) |
750 | Information: Cannot be studied. Drops chests worth around 1000 coins per person. The spirits are of the original four fighter trainers who went missing during the Ripture War: Evus, Regus, Dethus, Blastus, Justus, and Histus. [Level is estimated.] |
Rarity: Medium |
1200 | Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 200 coins per person [100% chance]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 400c total; 10 people = chest is 2,000c total) |
Difficulty: Rough estimate. Unsure if different trainers have different specialty strengths. |
0 | DPS: |
 | 1100 | Name: Withering Priestess |
Family: Insubstantial Undine |
2500 | Level: 1350 |
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest, Haunted Fane |
900 | Information: Tons of Troiluls. Area of effect that drains spirit of fighters nearby. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is estimated.] |
Rarity: Medium |
1600 | Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 100 coins per person [~100% chance]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 200c total; 10 people = chest is 1000c total) |
Difficulty: The fighter spirit drain and difficulty to hit can cause problems, especially if in a group of other monsters. Very difficult to hit. Damage is reasonably-well estimated. Histia is well estimated. Atkus to hit is more than 1100, but not much more. |
0 | DPS: |
 | 1000 | Name: High Priestess Shadow |
Family: Insubstantial Undine |
2500 | Level: 2000 |
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Fane |
1400 | Information: Can only be wounded by healing. Casts firebomb spells at regular intervals that deal a massive amount of damage in a large area (roughly 600 histia of damage, every 60 frames.) With a nearby mystic, the firebomb is visible for a few seconds before detonation. [Level is very roughly estimated.] |
Rarity: Unique (Boss) |
5000 | Worth: Chest: Worth several hundred coins per person. |
Difficulty: It cannot be attacked by hurt by normal weapons, only healing can take it down. Darkus and swing rate reported for regular hits. |
5.5 | DPS: 1273 |