Hooded Corpse25Name: Hooded Corpse
Family: Substantial Undine
120Level: 25
Location: Ash Island (undine part), Puddleby area (undine hut, underground), Southern Puddleby Island (savannah mines), Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
55Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
60Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
20DPS: 14

Underwater Corpse25Name: Underwater Corpse
Family: Substantial Undine
180Level: 25
Location: Peaceton & Devil's Island Underwater
85Information: A hit by the Underwater Corpse removes the effect of the underwater breathing potion. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
70Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
18DPS: 24

Corpse Warrior25Name: Corpse Warrior
Family: Substantial Undine
150Level: 35
Location: Ash Island (undine part), Puddleby area (undine hut, underground), Southern Puddleby Island (savannah mines), Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
75Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
70Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
18DPS: 21

Hooded Guardian70Name: Hooded Guardian
Family: Substantial Undine
250Level: 50
Location: Bloodmage Antechamber
150Information: Non-aggressive to bloodmages. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
140Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
20DPS: 38

Shambling Corpse90Name: Shambling Corpse
Family: Substantial Undine
350Level: 70
Location: Puddleby area (Alchemist's Folly), Southern Puddleby Island (savannah mines), Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
115Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
125Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
9DPS: 64

Walking Corpse150Name: Walking Corpse
Family: Substantial Undine
350Level: 180
Location: Ash Island (Thaumaturge Lair), Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
140Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common.
185Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7DPS: 100

Death Furie130Name: Death Furie
Family: Substantial Undine
200Level: 180
Location: Ash Island (Dark Temple, Dark Chamber), Ethereal Plane
100Information: Fast, swings quickly. [Level is well-estimated.]
Rarity: Common
115Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
6DPS: 83

Corpse Knight530Name: Corpse Knight
Family: Substantial Undine
1200Level: 480
Location: Ash Island (Graveyard, Mausoleum)
525Information: None.
Rarity: Common
575Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
11DPS: 239

Corrosive Corpse440Name: Corrosive Corpse
Family: Substantial Undine
1200Level: 500
Location: Ash Barrens (Graveyard, Mausoleum, City)
50Information: Acidic damage over time.
Rarity: Medium
325Worth: 0
Difficulty: The acidic touch of the corrosive corpse can tear through armor. Damage is measured although somewhat hard to define. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
1DPS: 250

Library Dweller320Name: Library Dweller
Family: Substantial Undine
2800Level: 815
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Bookfort)
850Information: None. Note that the "actual" slaughter CV is quite a bit higher than 815 (at least 900).
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Defense to brick is very high (> 2500). Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
12DPS: 354

Rotting Corpse980Name: Rotting Corpse
Family: Substantial Undine
2800Level: 1170
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Fane
1125Information: None.
Rarity: Common
900Worth: 0
Difficulty: Quite difficult to brick. Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
9DPS: 625

Shadow Exile500Name: Shadow Exile
Family: Insubstantial Undine
500Level: 0
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Fane
500Information: Level varies depending on the strength of the exile whose spirit it is derived from. Created after being felled by the "Gho", the dangerous spirit in the central chamber deep in the Haunted Fane. No experience is gained by killing them. (All are slaughters.)
Rarity: Not Applicable
500Worth: 0
Difficulty: Depends on the strength of the felled exile, but not in a clear manner. Felled healer spirits can heal other monsters, felled bloodmages can use their powers, and so forth. (As such, the numbers below are meaningless placeholders.)

Detached Spirit45Name: Detached Spirit
Family: Insubstantial Undine
100Level: 20
Location: Ash Island (undine part), Puddleby area (undine hut), Southern Puddleby Island (savannah mines), Ethereal Plane
55Information: The most common detached spirits are human, dwarf and sylvan, but they can also appear as ghorak zo. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
50Worth: Bounty: 0 – 1
Difficulty: Stats are measured for human, which is the weakest but by far the most common. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured. The sylvan detatched are very similar to human. The zo swing harder and less often and more accurately. The dwarven detatched spirit is similar to the ghorak zo.
12DPS: 23

Lesser Spectre0Name: Lesser Spectre
Family: Insubstantial Undine
50Level: 50
Location: Ash Island (Dark Chamber), Ethereal Plane, Abyss 1
80Information: These undine are truly insubstantial. They cannot be attacked, although champions can use the lava cloak to kill them. They will decay as their magical energy wears out. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
125Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
60DPS: 7

Faithless48Name: Faithless
Family: Insubstantial Undine
240Level: 75
Location: Ash Island, Puddleby area (undine hut), Southern Puddleby Island (savannah mines), Ethereal Plane
90Information: Only appear as human males, unlike the detatched spirits. [Level is estimated; same as Great Rockodile.]
Rarity: Common
140Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
12DPS: 38

Wraith160Name: Wraith
Family: Insubstantial Undine
250Level: 100
Location: Ash Island, Ethereal Plane, Puddleby area (Alchemist's Folly)
90Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
150Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus is measured. Histia is measured.
7.8DPS: 58

Tortured Soul140Name: Tortured Soul
Family: Insubstantial Undine
200Level: 105
Location: Tenebrion's Island, Ethereal Plane
175Information: Slow. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
100Worth: 0
Difficulty: Moves very slowly. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
10DPS: 88

Greater Guardian220Name: Greater Guardian
Family: Insubstantial Undine
525Level: 125
Location: Bloodmage Antechamber
100Information: Non-aggressive to bloodmages. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Rare
120Worth: Bounty: 0-2
Difficulty: Histia is measured. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit on full balance is measured. Defense to brick is reasonably-well estimated. Sometimes they do not attack, even against non-bloodmages.
11DPS: 45

Wailing Spirit180Name: Wailing Spirit
Family: Insubstantial Undine
300Level: 180
Location: Ash Island, Ethereal Plane, Puddleby area (Alchemist's Folly), Abyss 1
175Information: Stops after swinging. [Level is well estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
165Worth: Bounty: 1 – 2
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
10DPS: 88

Greater Wraith230Name: Greater Wraith
Family: Insubstantial Undine
425Level: 200
Location: Ash Island, Ethereal Plane, Puddleby area (Alchemist's Folly), Abyss 1
115Information: Ferals. One of the monsters in the fourth circle fighter's test. [Level is well-estimated.]
Rarity: Common
150Worth: Bounty: 1 – 2
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured. Defense to brick is reasonably estimated.
8DPS: 72

Hooded Shadow320Name: Hooded Shadow
Family: Insubstantial Undine
425Level: 230
Location: Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
225Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
125Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
9DPS: 125

Banshee300Name: Banshee
Family: Insubstantial Undine
500Level: 290
Location: Tenebrion's Island, Ethereal Plane
150Information: Very quick regeneration. A monster in the fifth circle fighter's test. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common.
190Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Fast Troilus. Histia is measured.
10DPS: 75

Greater Spectre220Name: Greater Spectre
Family: Insubstantial Undine
600Level: 300
Location: Ash Island (Barrens, Mausoleum)
275Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
350Worth: Bounty: 1 – 2
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
12DPS: 115

The Curator300Name: The Curator
Family: Insubstantial Undine
800Level: 310
Location: Tenebrion's Island (Castle)
325Information: Carries a shard of a gem. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
350Worth: 0
Difficulty: Much stronger than a banshee. Darkus is measured.
10DPS: 163

Curate300Name: Curate
Family: Insubstantial Undine
800Level: 355
Location: Ash Island (Thaumaturge Lair)
350Information: When a Darkstone is used on a fallen exile outside the range of its influence, a Curate appears. Unusually for insubstantial undine, the taxidermist can work on a curate.
Rarity: Medium
200Worth: Bounty: 11 – 15 [Low N Estimate]
Difficulty: Not terribly dangerous, considering its company.

Whispering Horror350Name: Whispering Horror
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2500Level: 500
Location: Abyss 3
200Information: Invisible unless wounded (as in the picture). Level is roughly estimated.
Rarity: Common
350Worth: 0
Difficulty: Slightly stronger than a Ghastly Presence (?). Strengths wildly estimated.

Darshak Spirit360Name: Darshak Spirit
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1200Level: 520
Location: Ash Island (Mausoleum, City)
425Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
560Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
8.5DPS: 250

Su Monk Shadow450Name: Su Monk Shadow
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1000Level: 525
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest and North Beach
1050Information: Fires a small red lightning bolt (260 darkus, roughly every 26 frames). Is wounded by healing. Can be attacked with a dueling glove, but unless it is killed in one hit, it recovers to full health immediately afterwards. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is estimated, but no higher than 560 and no lower than 480.]
Rarity: Common
300Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 20 coins per person [100% chance to drop]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 20c total; 10 people = chest is 100c total)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.

Anguished Spirit775Name: Anguished Spirit
Family: Insubstantial Undine
800Level: 555
Location: Tenebrion's Castle (Outside and Basement)
450Information: They take the strengths of a nearby exile when they spawn, so they can be extremely difficult or very weak. Level is thus highly variable.
Rarity: Medium
500Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Very hard to hit, easy to brick. Other stats are OK estimated.
4DPS: 563

Blight Shade540Name: Blight Shade
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1250Level: 640
Location: Ash Island (Graveyard, Mausoleum, City)
500Information: Fast, quick regeneration. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
485Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
12DPS: 208

Ghastly Presence410Name: Ghastly Presence
Family: Insubstantial Undine
3000Level: 650
Location: Ash Island (Dark Chamber), Ethereal Plane, Abyss 1
200Information: Some feral. Completely invisible (the one pictured is wounded). HUGE variation in strength, from CV = 400 to CV = 800 [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
725Worth: 0
Difficulty: Nearly impossible to brick, although its attacks are not particularly damaging. Strength varies -extremely- widely; for example, it can take as much as 500 Atkus or as little as 200 to hit one reliably. Darkus is measured (but varies WIDELY). Atkus to hit is measured (but varies WIDELY).
10DPS: 100

Dar'kin Shadow500Name: Dar'kin Shadow
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1500Level: 650
Location: Gho-Wei Island Forest, Mines, and East Cliffs
975Information: Fires a thick red lightning bolt (1250 Darkus, roughly every 150 frames). Is wounded by healing. Can be attacked with a dueling glove, but unless it is killed in one hit, it recovers to full health immediately afterwards. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is estimated; no lower than 600 and no higher than 700.]
Rarity: Common
700Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 20 coins per person [100% chance to drop]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 40c total; 10 people = chest is 200c total)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
9DPS: 542

Fang Warrior Shadow500Name: Fang Warrior Shadow
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1700Level: 670
Location: Gho-Wei Island Forest, South Beach, Eastern Cliffs, Haunted Forest, and Haunted Fane
850Information: Information: Throws rocks dealing 2100 Darkus of damage with large splash damage area, roughly every 150 frames. Can only be hurt by moonstones. Can be hit with a dueling glove, but this heals the shadow. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is poorly estimated but no higher than 700 and no lower than 600]
Rarity: Common
500Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 40 coins per person [100% chance to drop]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 80c total; 10 people = chest is 400c total)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
6DPS: 708

Haunting Shade550Name: Haunting Shade
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1400Level: 700
Location: Ash City (Midnight Tunnel ONLY)
550Information: Drops a chest containing a cursed shroud (can be redeemed for Darshak esteem). Always found at the end of the midnight tunnel to Ash City. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
700Worth: Chest: Around 100c [always]
Difficulty: A stronger type of Blight Shade.

Ebon WraithName: Ebon Wraith
Family: Insubstantial Undine
Level: 700
Location: Abyss 3
Information: Level is ROUGHLY estimated, needs improvement.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Stats need to be estimated.

Pan Guardian Shadow650Name: Pan Guardian Shadow
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1700Level: 740
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest, Haunted Fane
775Information: Shoots thick red lightning (darkus and frequency not measured). Can only be hurt by healers and a moonstone. Drops a "fair" chest worth about 20 coins per person. [Level is estimated, but no lower than 680 and no higher than 760.]
Rarity: Common
700Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 20 coins per person [100% chance to drop]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 40c total; 10 people = chest is 200c total)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
3.8DPS: 1033

Fuu Nomad Shadow600Name: Fuu Nomad Shadow
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1100Level: 750
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest, Haunted Fane, North Beach, and East Cliffs
875Information: Shoots blue lightning (1500 Darkus) at rare intervals (every ~150 frames). Can only be hurt by healers and a moonstone. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is roughly estimated.]
Rarity: Common
600Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 20 coins per person [100% chance to drop]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 40c total; 10 people = chest is 200c total)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
4.5DPS: 972

Dank Presence460Name: Dank Presence
Family: Insubstantial Undine
3000Level: 850
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Astral Zone)
400Information: None. CV is very roughly estimated [> 700]
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured with perfect timing (460 Atkus) but often requires more like 650 Atkus to hit reliably without very good timing.
11DPS: 182

Baked Presence360Name: Baked Presence
Family: Insubstantial Undine
3200Level: 900
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Abyssal Zone)
700Information: Its attacks cause fire damage on the hit exile, like Dire Bears. CV is very roughly estimated [> 750].
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Direct Darkus is measured (~550) plus the unavoidable fire damage (~150). Atkus to hit is measured. Fire effect is unblockable? Generally seems very hard to brick.
9DPS: 389

Damaged Spirit700Name: Damaged Spirit
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2100Level: 930
Location: Eastern Mountains (Windweft Glacier Cave)
575Information: [Level is well estimated.]
Rarity: Common
800Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
7DPS: 411

Gho-Wei Ghoulish790Name: Gho-Wei Ghoulish
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2200Level: 960
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest, Haunted Fane
400Information: Damage over time. [Level is well estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
650Worth: Bounty: 11 – 30
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
11DPS: 182

Library Horus220Name: Library Horus
Family: Insubstantial Undine
1500Level: 975
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Scareland)
630Information: Heals. [CV is very roughly estimated, but > 950 and < 1100]
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
5.5DPS: 573

Lost Exile1000Name: Lost Exile
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2100Level: 1000
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Scareland)
850Information: CV is roughly estimated. Has a "thornwood" effect. After VERY many swings of being trapped, it will swing out.
Rarity: Medium
800Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Defense to brick is reasonably estimated. Difficult to hit (500 Atkus) if fully trapped. VERY difficult to hit (> 1000 atkus) if not trapped. The higher number is used because it takes a long time to swing out.
4DPS: 1063

Crushing Spirit730Name: Crushing Spirit
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2400Level: 1000
Location: Eastern Mountains (Windweft Glacier Cave)
750Information: [Level is estimated.] Occasionally drops a "fair" chest worth a small amount of coins.
Rarity: Medium
1000Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 30 coins per person [100% chance]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 60c total; 10 people = chest is 300c total)
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
7DPS: 536

Trainer Spirit950Name: Trainer Spirit
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2500Level: 1100
Location: Eastern Mountains (Windweft Glacier Cave)
750Information: Cannot be studied. Drops chests worth around 1000 coins per person. The spirits are of the original four fighter trainers who went missing during the Ripture War: Evus, Regus, Dethus, Blastus, Justus, and Histus. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
1200Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 200 coins per person [100% chance]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 400c total; 10 people = chest is 2,000c total)
Difficulty: Rough estimate. Unsure if different trainers have different specialty strengths.

Gho-Wei Inkling880Name: Gho-Wei Inkling
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2600Level: 1250
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest, Haunted Fane
1500Information: Drops a "fair" chest. When it attacks an exile and lands a hit, it leaves a poison that damages over time. [Level is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
1000Worth: Bounty: 12 – 24. Drops a "fair" Chest worth around 500 coins per person [~100% chance]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 1000c total; 10 people = chest is 5000c total)
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
9DPS: 833

Withering Priestess1100Name: Withering Priestess
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2500Level: 1350
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest, Haunted Fane
900Information: Tons of Troiluls. Area of effect that drains spirit of fighters nearby. Drops a "fair" chest. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
1600Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 100 coins per person [~100% chance]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 200c total; 10 people = chest is 1000c total)
Difficulty: The fighter spirit drain and difficulty to hit can cause problems, especially if in a group of other monsters. Very difficult to hit. Damage is reasonably-well estimated. Histia is well estimated. Atkus to hit is more than 1100, but not much more.

Gho-Wei Carnivant700Name: Gho-Wei Carnivant
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2200Level: 1350
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Fane
1300Information: Level is estimated. Drops chest containing a shadow bell. When it attacks an exile and lands a hit, it leaves a poison that damages over time. If not injured for a moderate period of time, it will cast a red aura and regenerate its full health.
Rarity: Medium
1500Worth: Bounty: 1-20c [low N estimate] plus chest worth about 150c to everyone nearby.
Difficulty: High troilus and its poison is stronger than the inkling's. Atkus to hit is less than 760 (maybe much under). Darkus is measured for regular hits, poison is not calculated.
9DPS: 722

High Priestess Shadow1000Name: High Priestess Shadow
Family: Insubstantial Undine
2500Level: 2000
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Fane
1400Information: Can only be wounded by healing. Casts firebomb spells at regular intervals that deal a massive amount of damage in a large area (roughly 600 histia of damage, every 60 frames.) With a nearby mystic, the firebomb is visible for a few seconds before detonation. [Level is very roughly estimated.]
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
5000Worth: Chest: Worth several hundred coins per person.
Difficulty: It cannot be attacked by hurt by normal weapons, only healing can take it down. Darkus and swing rate reported for regular hits.
5.5DPS: 1273

Mr. T890Name: Mr. T
Family: Insubstantial Undine
3500Level: 2100
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Scareland)
1300Information: CV is very high. Swings up to three times in a row. Does not appear to swing out. Ferals. Incredibly fast Troilus.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
2000Worth: Drops chest (worth around 250c / each).
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
8DPS: 813

Skeletal70Name: Skeletal
Family: Skeletal Undine
50Level: 6
Location: Ash Island (undine area), Puddleby area (underground, undine hut), Southern Puddleby Island (savannah).
40Information: Does not move after striking until balance is recovered. Will not move unless an exile is very close. There is a repeatable hunting challenge to kill as many of these as you can. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
18Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
14DPS: 14

Giant Skeletal100Name: Giant Skeletal
Family: Skeletal Undine
140Level: 20
Location: Ash Island (undine area), Puddleby area (undine hut)
70Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
50Worth: Bounty: 0 – 1
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
14DPS: 25

Skeletal Guardian50Name: Skeletal Guardian
Family: Skeletal Undine
250Level: 70
Location: Bloodmage Antechamber
85Information: Non-aggressive to bloodmages. Different movement behavior from regular skeletals (move movement). [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
30Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
23DPS: 18

Skeletal Rage70Name: Skeletal Rage
Family: Skeletal Undine
325Level: 120
Location: Puddleby area (Alchemist's folly), Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
125Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
160Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
9DPS: 69

Revour270Name: Revour
Family: Skeletal Undine
900Level: 340
Location: Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
225Information: Came up all over the world during the ripture-wars. Have been seen since during large planar disturbances, most recently during the ethereal crisis from storm 481 (Tenebrion's Island falls) -> Present of writing (870).
Rarity: Medium
475Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
11DPS: 102

Abyssal Hunter230Name: Abyssal Hunter
Family: Skeletal Undine
600Level: 550
Location: Abyss 1
180Information: Fast. Lucky. Swings quickly.
Rarity: Common
220Worth: Bounty: 0 – 2
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
2DPS: 450

Scary SkeletalName: Scary Skeletal
Family: Skeletal Undine
Level: 550
Location: Ash Island Barrens (Pumpkin Patch Village)
Information: None.
Rarity: Rare

Frozen Abyssal Hunter350Name: Frozen Abyssal Hunter
Family: Skeletal Undine
750Level: 595
Location: Abyss 2, Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
375Information: Fast. Lucky. Swings quickly. HUGE variation in strength. Those in the Abyssal Plane are usually much weaker than those in the Ethereal Plane (and usually around CV=595), but in the Ethereal Plane they are usually more than CV=900 (but can also be as low as CV=595).
Rarity: Common
450Worth: Bounty: 1 – 3
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Note that these monsters are INCREDIBLY variable, by hundreds of ranks in any given statistic.
2DPS: 938

Skeletal Hunger790Name: Skeletal Hunger
Family: Skeletal Undine
2700Level: 1300
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest, Haunted Fane
800Information: Swings very rapidly, like the Abyssal Hunter, so its swings are individually not so deadly, but DPS is high.
Rarity: Medium
900Worth: Bounty: 190 – 308
Difficulty: Stats roughly estimated. Atkus to hit is measured.

Skeletal Monk400Name: Skeletal Monk
Family: Skeletal Undine
2400Level: 1455
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Forest, Haunted Fane
2400Information: Shoots thick blue lightning dealing 5000 Darkus of damage (500 histia) at a slow rate which requires a visual charge-up. When the lightning is charged up, the monk will glow blue for several seconds until firing.
Rarity: Medium
1400Worth: Bounty: 29 – 65
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is < 400.
21DPS: 571

Darshak Liche250Name: Darshak Liche
Family: Demonic Undine
800Level: 440
Location: Ash Island (Dark Temple), Abyss
575Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
400Worth: Bounty: 12 – 31
Difficulty: The liche can be swung out with patience, allowing it to be hit with around 250 Atkus. Without waiting for its double swings, the liche takes around 400 Atkus to hit reliably. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
40DPS: 72

Ancient Darshak Liche170Name: Ancient Darshak Liche
Family: Demonic Undine
1500Level: 630
Location: Ash Island (City and City Temple)
850Information: Fast!
Rarity: Medium
1150Worth: Bounty: 35 – 106
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
20DPS: 213

Darshak Ancient350Name: Darshak Ancient
Family: Demonic Undine
1800Level: 865
Location: Ash Island (Graveyard, Mausoleum, City)
1400Information: Gives Rebel esteem. Each has a unique name (e.g. Senecio Direstorm), as each is the revived spirit of a Darshak elder. "Darshak Ancient" is simply the general name for these elders, also referred to as "Blue Skulls".
Rarity: Rare
1100Worth: Bounty: 44 – 131
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
19DPS: 368

Greater Liche550Name: Greater Liche
Family: Demonic Undine
2300Level: 1045
Location: Ash Island (City Temple Top)
1750Information: Latches onto its targets, but will quickly spin and fell any careless exile swinging at it. Spirit linked with the Chosen Hosts; if they are damaged, it will take damage.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
2500Worth: Bounty: 52 – 145
Difficulty: Extremely dangerous! Surrounded by Chosen Hosts in the top of the Dark Temple in Ash City. Darkus is measured, but extremely highly variable.
14.5DPS: 603

Greater Death1090Name: Greater Death
Family: Demonic Undine
1600Level: 1200
Location: Ash Island (Dark Temple), Ethereal Plane
1500Information: Incredibly fast. Deadly. Gradually decays on its own (negative Troilus). Taxidermy level is 475, but unlike all other creatures, this does not follow the difficulty level of the monster. For that, a rough estimate is used. Level seems to vary over time and become stronger. Uncertain.
Rarity: Exotic (Dark Temple), Rare (Ethereal Plane)
1000Worth: Bounty: 0 – 4
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
4DPS: 1875

Rotting Stare720Name: Rotting Stare
Family: Demonic Undine
3000Level: 1245
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Fane
1250Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
1500Worth: Bounty: 10-50 [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
9DPS: 694

Jack o' Liche600Name: Jack o' Liche
Family: Demonic Undine
2200Level: 1885
Location: Ash Island Barrens (Pumpkin Patch Village, east of graveyard)
1000Information: Drops jack o lantern bombs every 5-6 seconds, which then explode after about 3 seconds, each dealing around 1000 Histia worth of damage. Fast troilus. Extremely quick.
Rarity: Medium
3000Worth: Bounty: Around 120c [low N estimate] plus frequent (~50%?) chest worth around 100-150c for everyone nearby.
Difficulty: Extremely dangerous due to its bombs. Its regular swings are deadly, but the bombs can destroy an entire group with ease. The "Damage" statistic does NOT account for the bombing.