Giant Slug50Name: Giant Slug
Family: Worm
50Level: 10
Location: Puddleby area (farms)
33Information: Slow. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
45Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Defense to brick is well estimated. Atkus to hit is measured.
15DPS: 11

Scavenger Wurm60Name: Scavenger Wurm
Family: Worm
90Level: 20
Location: Puddleby area (Tahxis cave), northeastern foothills (most caves)
75Information: Chews on fallen. Ferals. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
75Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
13DPS: 29

Cave Wurm60Name: Cave Wurm
Family: Worm
75Level: 25
Location: Southern Puddleby Island (Meshra lair), a few other damp caves.
35Information: Ferals. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
55Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
4DPS: 44

Carnivorous Wurm80Name: Carnivorous Wurm
Family: Worm
80Level: 70
Location: Puddleby area (Tahxis cave), northeastern foothills (most caves), Kizmia's Island caves
70Information: Ferals. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
230Worth: Blood: 0 – 2
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
10.3DPS: 34

Tahxis Wurm200Name: Tahxis Wurm
Family: Worm
200Level: 140
Location: Puddleby area (Tahxis cave), Kizmia's Island (cove)
75Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
225Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
16DPS: 23

Large Tahxis Wurm190Name: Large Tahxis Wurm
Family: Worm
350Level: 235
Location: Puddleby area (Tahxis cave), Kizmia's Island (cove)
100Information: None
Rarity: Medium
275Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
16DPS: 31

Cavern Wurm550Name: Cavern Wurm
Family: Worm
1250Level: 530
Location: Mountain Glen (Caves and Castle), Metzetli Island (gloaming pass), Southern Estuary (Undermarsh)
800Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
750Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
18DPS: 222

Lava Wurm520Name: Lava Wurm
Family: Worm
1400Level: 555
Location: Mountain Glen. Gho-Wei Island south beach.
675Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
700Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
11DPS: 307

Sand Wurm80Name: Sand Wurm
Family: Wurm
100Level: 35
Location: Southern Puddleby Island (beaches, dunes), Gungla Island
90Information: Ferals strangely. Attempts to block running exiles. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
55Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
16DPS: 28

Razu-Ohwi110Name: Razu-Ohwi
Family: Wurm
400Level: 150
Location: Puddleby Wetlands
350Information: Herbivore. Eats all plants, including all varieties of kudzu and hellebores. Different color attack frame compared to Pazu (blue instead of brownish).
Rarity: Common
85Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
15DPS: 117

Pazu-Ohwi140Name: Pazu-Ohwi
Family: Wurm
600Level: 210
Location: Metzetli Island (jungle, rainforest, tepui). Southern Estuary and Eastern Mountains (the Plains).
375Information: Herbivore. Eats plants, including all varieties of kudzu and the hellebores. Confirmed family as wurm.
Rarity: Common
125Worth: 0
Difficulty: Weak, but just one of these can wreak havoc on a group by destroying a kudzu wall. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
11DPS: 170

Large Sand Wurm130Name: Large Sand Wurm
Family: Wurm
325Level: 220
Location: Puddleby area (Lily Pond), Southern Puddleby Island (beaches, dunes), Gungla Island, Kizmia's outlying islands
475Information: Ferals. In the Lily Pond, there is a hunting challenge to kill 34 of these in 180 minutes. This is one of the three challenges (with Andvari and Cave Cobra) that rangers may complete for additional study slots.
Rarity: Common
165Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured, but swings are highly variable. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
28DPS: 85

Lesser Sand Wurm170Name: Lesser Sand Wurm
Family: Wurm
650Level: 380
Location: Gungla Island (Desert)
900Information: Ferals.
Rarity: Common
570Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
28DPS: 161

Possessed Amakua375Name: Possessed Amakua
Family: Wurm
1200Level: 925
Location: Gungla Island (Sulran temple sanctum)
800Information: If an exile falls to the Amakua, it may plant a spore in them, raising the exile and controlling him or her to fight against his friends until fallen, much like during the Feast of Tsrrin. Also, when the Amakua strikes an exile, it will create fear and drive the exile away (see live sketch). Always drops a chest worth about 200c.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
900Worth: Chest: Around 200 coins [always]
Difficulty: Very dangerous!

Dra'ryx60Name: Dra'ryx
Family: Wyrm
80Level: 30
Location: Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and tepui)
50Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
63Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
9.5DPS: 26

Fire Dra'ryx80Name: Fire Dra'ryx
Family: Wyrm
200Level: 50
Location: Puddleby area (East Forest River Spring)
75Information: Its bite is firey and will stun an exile for a moment. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
75Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
6DPS: 63

Grey Wyrm180Name: Grey Wyrm
Family: Wyrm
325Level: 200
Location: Puddleby area (river tunnel), Greymyr mountains (rocky tunnel), Metzetli Island (tepui)
90Information: None
Rarity: Common
250Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
5DPS: 90

Ripper160Name: Ripper
Family: Wyrm
450Level: 235
Location: Dal'Noth, Metzetli Island (tepui), Melabrion's mines
375Information: Fast.
Rarity: Common
135Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
18DPS: 104

Whipper Wyrm230Name: Whipper Wyrm
Family: Wyrm
500Level: 265
Location: Greymyr mountains (Whipper Cave), Gho-Wei (Beaches/Caves)
325Information: Fast. Same study as Ripper.
Rarity: Medium
200Worth: 0
Difficulty: Only slightly stronger than the ripper. Darkus is measured. Other stats are a very rough guess.
8DPS: 203

Blood Wyrm230Name: Blood Wyrm
Family: Wyrm
550Level: 290
Location: Puddleby area (river tunnel), Greymyr mountains (rocky tunnel), Metzetli Island (tepui)
120Information: One of the creatures in the fifth circle fighter's test.
Rarity: Medium
350Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 75

Ember Wyrm380Name: Ember Wyrm
Family: Wyrm
800Level: 335
Location: Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island, Kizmia's Island (Umbrion's Keep)
150Information: Fast.
Rarity: Medium
375Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
6DPS: 125

Sun Wyrm560Name: Sun Wyrm
Family: Wyrm
750Level: 440
Location: Puddleby area (river tunnel), Greymyr mountains (rocky tunnel), Metzetli Island (tepui), Gungla Island (desert)
180Information: Ferals. Fast regeneration.
Rarity: Rare
575Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
5DPS: 180

Baby Plesio'don640Name: Baby Plesio'don
Family: Wyrm
1000Level: 460
Location: Gungla Island (marsh)
225Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
600Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
5DPS: 225

Serac Wyrm680Name: Serac Wyrm
Family: Wyrm
1200Level: 465
Location: Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island, Abyss 2
225Information: Fast. Drops item. Shoots damaging ice clouds with a small area of effect (1250 Darkus, approximately every 120 frames). Sometimes drops ethercles.
Rarity: Medium
450Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Same strength in Abyss and EP.
4DPS: 281

Tearer370Name: Tearer
Family: Wyrm
1350Level: 520
Location: Mountain Glen (Caves and Castle), Southern Estuary (Undermarsh), Metzetli Island (Gloaming caves)
1000Information: Fast.
Rarity: Medium
425Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
13DPS: 385

Lesser Sarra'don530Name: Lesser Sarra'don
Family: Wyrm
1150Level: 560
Location: Gungla Island (Land of Sarra)
530Information: None.
Rarity: Common
540Worth: 0
Difficulty: Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Defense to brick is well-estimated. Darkus is measured.
12DPS: 221

Komodo Drakewyrm450Name: Komodo Drakewyrm
Family: Wyrm
1200Level: 690
Location: Gho-Wei Island (North Beach, Eastern Bluffs)
675Information: Immune to lava cloak.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 422

Sarra'don540Name: Sarra'don
Family: Wyrm
1300Level: 715
Location: Gungla Island (Land of Sarra)
680Information: Ferals.
Rarity: Common
700Worth: 0
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured. Histia is measured.
12DPS: 283

Sazaja340Name: Sazaja
Family: Wyrm
2250Level: 735
Location: Metzetli Island (tepui)
850Information: Fast. Official CV updated from 690 to 735 sometime in 2024.
Rarity: Common
425Worth: 0
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Defense to brick is well-estimated. Darkus is measured.
7DPS: 607

Earth Wyrm550Name: Earth Wyrm
Family: Wyrm
1650Level: 740
Location: Gungla Island (Earth Wyrm Cave)
750Information: Ferals.
Rarity: Common
950Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
15DPS: 250

Rifter650Name: Rifter
Family: Wyrm
2600Level: 810
Location: Eastern Mountains (Org Caves, Vale Caves), Ancient Bear Caves
1325Information: Fast.
Rarity: Common
550Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
10.5DPS: 631

Lesser Sarra'yrm890Name: Lesser Sarra'yrm
Family: Wyrm
2200Level: 845
Location: Gungla Island (Land of Sarra)
800Information: Spirit poison. Its bites severely poison healers' spirits, consuming roughly 1/5th of their spirit per bite. It does not affect fighters or mystics.
Rarity: Medium
780Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Defense to brick is well measured. Darkus is measured.
18DPS: 222

Spectral Sazaja650Name: Spectral Sazaja
Family: Wyrm
2300Level: 865
Location: Metzetli Island (Astrum Crypt)
1450Information: Fast. Fairly high variability between different Sazajas in their attack strength.
Rarity: Medium
650Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Defense to brick is decently esimated.
6DPS: 1208

Sarra'yrm800Name: Sarra'yrm
Family: Wyrm
2500Level: 940
Location: Gungla Island (Land of Sarra)
1000Information: Spirit poison. Ferals. Its bite severely poisons healers spirit, perhaps 1/3rd per bite, making it incredibly dangerous. It does not affect fighters or mystics.
Rarity: Medium.
950Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. After its normal two swings, hard to hit (> 875 Atkus, estimated). Much easier to hit if trapped and swung out (~400 Atkus, estimated).
15DPS: 333