Winged Snake60Name: Winged Snake
Family: Serpent
55Level: 10
Location: Devil's Island (Marsh), Southern Puddleby Island (Marsh)
35Information: Come in pink and green varieties. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium for pink snakes, common for green snakes. The pink snakes are significantly stronger.
12Worth: 0
Difficulty: The two colors have very different strengths. The pink snake has 50 darkus and swings every 12 frames, the green snake has 20 darkus and swings every 6. Atkus to hit is measured, seems similar for both snakes. Winged snake has about 12 Histia.
9DPS: 19

Boma Winder50Name: Boma Winder
Family: Serpent
150Level: 40
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Puddleby Island (Greymyr mountains)
60Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
37Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
11DPS: 27

Deadly Adder50Name: Deadly Adder
Family: Serpent
90Level: 40
Location: Caves.
95Information: Fast. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common.
25Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
12DPS: 40

Tok'Han Spawn60Name: Tok'Han Spawn
Family: Serpent
100Level: 40
Location: Deep Melabrion's mines (egg room only), Peaceton Mines (egg room only)
75Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
75Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
14DPS: 27

Crota Winder50Name: Crota Winder
Family: Serpent
170Level: 45
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Puddleby Island (Greymyr mountains)
75Information: Notably, these are not found on Metzetli Island, unlike the other related snakes (Boma, Raste, and Repens). [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
27Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
11DPS: 34

Venomous Boma Winder50Name: Venomous Boma Winder
Family: Serpent
150Level: 46
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Puddleby Island (Greymyr mountains)
60Information: Health poison, ferals. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
40Worth: 0
Difficulty: Weak, poison not very dangerous either. Darkus is measured.
9DPS: 33

Venomous Crota Winder40Name: Venomous Crota Winder
Family: Serpent
175Level: 50
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Puddleby Island (Greymyr mountains)
75Information: Poisons. Ferals. Notably, these are not found on Metzetli Island, unlike the other related snakes (Boma, Raste, and Repens). [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
30Worth: 0
Difficulty: Histia is measured.

Raste Winder50Name: Raste Winder
Family: Serpent
200Level: 50
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Puddleby Island (Greymyr mountains)
120Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
55Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
9DPS: 67

Venomous Deadly Adder50Name: Venomous Deadly Adder
Family: Serpent
150Level: 50
Location: Caves.
100Information: Health poison. Fast. Ferals. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Rare
25Worth: 0
Difficulty: Possibly less dangerous to young exiles because it ferals and is more easily avoided than the normal adder. Darkus is measured.
12DPS: 42

Venomous Raste Winder40Name: Venomous Raste Winder
Family: Serpent
200Level: 55
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Puddleby Island (Greymyr mountains)
65Information: Health poison, ferals. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
55Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
11DPS: 30

Repens Winder100Name: Repens Winder
Family: Serpent
250Level: 70
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Puddleby Island (Greymyr mountains)
140Information: [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
72Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
4.5DPS: 156

Venomous Repens Winder120Name: Venomous Repens Winder
Family: Serpent
250Level: 75
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Puddleby Island (Greymyr mountains)
125Information: Health poison, ferals. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
72Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 78

Carin Viper70Name: Carin Viper
Family: Serpent
175Level: 100
Location: Northwest forest bear caves, a few other places.
80Information: Fast. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
55Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
9DPS: 44

Venomous Carin Viper75Name: Venomous Carin Viper
Family: Serpent
175Level: 110
Location: Northwest forest bear caves, a few other places.
70Information: Health poison. Fast. Ferals. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Rare
50Worth: 0
Difficulty: A bit stronger than the deadly adder.
12DPS: 29

Chami Cobra170Name: Chami Cobra
Family: Serpent
250Level: 225
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Melabrion's Island (caves), Puddleby Wetlands
150Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
70Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
5DPS: 150

Venomous Chami Cobra230Name: Venomous Chami Cobra
Family: Serpent
300Level: 235
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Melabrion's Island (caves)
105Information: Health poison, ferals.
Rarity: Medium
75Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
7DPS: 75

Forest Cobra70Name: Forest Cobra
Family: Serpent
700Level: 270
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest), Melabrion's Island (caves)
325Information: Fast.
Rarity: Medium
150Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
12DPS: 135

Grey Tok'Han250Name: Grey Tok'Han
Family: Serpent
500Level: 280
Location: Outer Melabrion's mines & Peaceton mines
125Information: None.
Rarity: Common
200Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
5.8DPS: 109

Venomous Forest Cobra150Name: Venomous Forest Cobra
Family: Serpent
700Level: 300
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island
250Information: Health poison. Ferals.
Rarity: Medium
150Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is well estimated.
12DPS: 104

Acid Cobra370Name: Acid Cobra
Family: Serpent
0Level: 305
Location: Gungla Island (Land of Sarra, Sulran temple, Earthwyrm cave)
300Information: Shoots projectile (acid). Fast, spits acid. Coward.
Rarity: Common
200Worth: 0
Difficulty: It does not attack, except for its (unbrickable, though avoidable) acid spit. This is fired steadily at 100 frames per spit - but the first few acid spits come much faster. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
100DPS: 15

Tok'Han Shaman210Name: Tok'Han Shaman
Family: Serpent
0Level: 310
Location: Deep Melabrion's mines & Peaceton mines
25Information: Shoots unavoidable instant fire like Darshak Acolytes roughly every 25 frames, dealing 25 Darkus of damage, and avoidable fire blasts for 375 Darkus, roughly every 100 frames (although the rate is highly variable). DPS is shown for the unavoidable fire. Pacifist. Coward.
Rarity: Common
125Worth: Blood: 2 – 4
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
25DPS: 5

Venomous Cave Cobra190Name: Venomous Cave Cobra
Family: Serpent
1200Level: 320
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island
450Information: Health poison. Ferals. Fast.
Rarity: Rare
160Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is well estimated.
16DPS: 141

Cave Cobra120Name: Cave Cobra
Family: Serpent
1200Level: 320
Location: Kizmia's Island, Gungla Island, Metzetli Island, Southern Puddleby Island Sasquatch Valley
525Information: Fast. In a cave on Gungla Island, there is a hunting challenge to kill 24 of these in 140 minutes. This is one of the three hunting challenges, along with Large Sand Wurms and Andvari, that rangers may complete for an additional study slot.
Rarity: Common
175Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
12DPS: 219

Olive Tok'Han300Name: Olive Tok'Han
Family: Serpent
900Level: 365
Location: Outer Melabrion's mines & Peaceton mines
150Information: None
Rarity: Common
450Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
6.3DPS: 120

Russet Tok'Han330Name: Russet Tok'Han
Family: Serpent
950Level: 420
Location: Peaceton mines
175Information: When killed, the russet Tok'Han will explode in a tremendous fireball, severely damaging those who are too close (damage not measured).
Rarity: Medium
575Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7DPS: 125

Nocens Winder200Name: Nocens Winder
Family: Serpent
1600Level: 450
Location: Southern Estuary, Eastern Mountains (Entry, Bison Plains)
475Information: Ferals.
Rarity: Common
270Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
12DPS: 198

Black Mamba160Name: Black Mamba
Family: Serpent
1700Level: 505
Location: Metzetli Island (jungle, rainforest, gloaming passes, tepui), Estuary (Southern River Delta), Eastern Mountains (Entry, Bear Caves, Bison Plains)
875Information: Fast.
Rarity: Medium
375Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 547

Green Tok'Han390Name: Green Tok'Han
Family: Serpent
1500Level: 570
Location: Outer Melabrion's mines & Peaceton mines
275Information: None
Rarity: Medium
600Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7DPS: 196

Viper Tok'Han560Name: Viper Tok'Han
Family: Serpent
1500Level: 575
Location: Deep Melabrion's mines (egg room only)
300Information: Poisons slightly.
Rarity: Medium
925Worth: Mandibles: 3 – 7
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7DPS: 214

Mountain Krait240Name: Mountain Krait
Family: Serpent
1900Level: 600
Location: Eastern Mountains (Entry, Bison Plains)
750Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
400Worth: 0
Difficulty: Difficult to brick. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 469

Crypt Mamba330Name: Crypt Mamba
Family: Serpent
2000Level: 680
Location: Metzetli Island (Astrum Crypt)
1000Information: Fast.
Rarity: Medium
550Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Defense to brick is decently estimated.
6.7DPS: 746

Lime Tok'Han670Name: Lime Tok'Han
Family: Serpent
1600Level: 685
Location: Deep Melabrion's mines & Peaceton mines
425Information: None.
Rarity: Common
650Worth: Blood: 3 – 16
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7.5DPS: 283

Emerald Tok'Han640Name: Emerald Tok'Han
Family: Serpent
1700Level: 720
Location: Deep Melabrion's mines & Peaceton mines
775Information: None.
Rarity: Common
725Worth: Blood: 4 – 27
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
9DPS: 431

Otissa Snake390Name: Otissa Snake
Family: Serpent
4000Level: 1270
Location: Vale of Giants (Forest)
2250Information: Common
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Almost impossible to brick. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured, but with very good timing on swings. With average timing, it takes around 550 atkus.
12.5DPS: 900