Minor AdumbrationName: Minor Adumbration
Family: Shadow
Level: 444
Location: Shadowplane Ocean
240Information: TBD. Placeholder. Drops chest. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
Worth: Chest: 1-10c
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
10DPS: 120

Shadow StrandName: Shadow Strand
Family: Shadow
Level: 446
Location: Shadowplane
Information: Immobile. Planted by exiles affected by madness. Deals significant damage over time to everyone in the area of effect if attacked. Usually blocks important paths. [CV is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Medium

OniskaName: Oniska
Family: Shadow
Level: 666
Location: Shadowplane (Forest)
625Information: Ferals. [CV is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured, but not swing rate. Swing rate is pretty slow though (maybe once per 14 frames?)

Shadow SteedName: Shadow Steed
Family: Shadow
Level: 777
Location: Shadowplane Ocean
775Information: TBD (labrys-style swings? [level placeholder]
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: TBD. Darkus is measured.
9.2DPS: 421

Penumbryx Shard600Name: Penumbryx Shard
Family: Shadow
1200Level: 800
Location: Shadowplane
750Information: Spawns on its own, but several (3-4?) are also created after a Fragile Penumbryx is broken.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
10DPS: 375

Tracer RayName: Tracer Ray
Family: Shadow
Level: 888
Location: Shadowplane Ocean
Information: Ferals. TBD [Level TBD]
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: TBD

Gnasher580Name: Gnasher
Family: Shadow
Level: 995
Location: Shadowplane
Information: Immobile.
Rarity: Medium
Worth: Chest: 5-30c
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured.

SeasylvanName: Seasylvan
Family: Shadow
Level: 999
Location: Shadowplane Ocean
Information: [Level is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Medium

Shadowbug650Name: Shadowbug
Family: Shadow
2000Level: 1055
Location: Shadowplane
575Information: It can infect players when hitting them, turning them into butterflies with massive penalties to Regia (~300 Regia, possibly a percentage) which lasts a little over a minute. Each hit activates the debuff, which stacks. [Level is roughly estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
650Worth: 0
Difficulty: The "debuff" is the most dangerous thing about them. Darkus is measured.
12DPS: 240

Blind Adumbration930Name: Blind Adumbration
Family: Shadow
2400Level: 1060
Location: Shadowplane
600Information: None.
Rarity: Common
1000Worth: Occasional Chest: 20-50c
Difficulty: TBD. Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
5.5DPS: 545

Fragile Penumbryx860Name: Fragile Penumbryx
Family: Shadow
2800Level: 1105
Location: Shadowplane
1000Information: When it is killed, it shatters into four Penumbryx Shards which then attack the players.
Rarity: Medium
1200Worth: Drops a fair chest worth a few coins.
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
15DPS: 333

TanglestrikeName: Tanglestrike
Family: Shadow
Level: 1111
Location: Shadowplane (Forest)
375Information: [CV is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
2DPS: 938

Visionary AdumbrationName: Visionary Adumbration
Family: Shadow
Level: 1115
Location: Shadowplane
Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: TBD

Oneiromantic Grub1050Name: Oneiromantic Grub
Family: Shadow
2200Level: 1170
Location: Shadowplane
1200Information: Ferals.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Nothing particular? Stats very roughly estimated. Darkus is vaguely measured from only 2 hits. Atkus to hit is well over 960.

Shadow Mantis750Name: Shadow Mantis
Family: Shadow
2600Level: 1180
Location: Shadowplane
375Information: TBD.
Rarity: Medium
600Worth: Mandibles: 70-150c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
5DPS: 375

Ill Cub870Name: Ill Cub
Family: Shadow
2200Level: 1185
Location: Shadowplane
1300Information: TBD.
Rarity: Medium
850Worth: Fur: 13 – 59 [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
7DPS: 929

LongwalkerName: Longwalker
Family: Shadow
Level: 1245
Location: Shadowplane
1600Information: Shoots lightning. TBD.
Rarity: Medium
Worth: Bounty: 10-30c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured (low N estimate)
8DPS: 1000

Lesser Penumbryx1500Name: Lesser Penumbryx
Family: Shadow
2750Level: 1245
Location: Shadowplane
1150Information: Slightly lighter in appearance than the Fragile Penumbryx, identical in appearance to the Penumbryx. (The pictures are taken from different attack angles.)
Rarity: Medium
1500Worth: Sometimes drops a chest worth a few coins.
Difficulty: Extremely difficult to hit!

Shadow Hunter650Name: Shadow Hunter
Family: Shadow
2200Level: 1290
Location: Gho-Wei Island Haunted Fane, Shadowplane
666Information: Its attacks deal a percentage damage of health, not absolute, thus breaking through champion stoneform and doing relatively little damage to mystics.
Rarity: Medium
650Worth: 0
Difficulty: Damage is extremely variable as it depends on the target's health. Swing rate is measured.
1.8DPS: 1903

Animus AgroName: Animus Agro
Family: Shadow
Level: 1333
Location: Shadowplane (Forest)
1600Information: When killed, it turns into the much more dangerous Eye Agro. [CV is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
5DPS: 1600

Turbulent AdumbrationName: Turbulent Adumbration
Family: Shadow
Level: 1340
Location: Shadowplane
900Information: TBD.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
6DPS: 750

Eye AgroName: Eye Agro
Family: Shadow
Level: 1450
Location: Shadowplane
Information: Fires giant lightning landmines, similar to the Orga Traylock. Very dangerous! CV is measured. [Family is randomly guessed.]
Rarity: Medium

Fumehorn Colossus400Name: Fumehorn Colossus
Family: Shadow
2500Level: 1510
Location: Shadowplane
1200Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured, possibly even less than 400 to hit. Darkus is measured.
8DPS: 750

Darklight BeaconName: Darklight Beacon
Family: Shadow
Level: 1666
Location: Shadowplane (Forest)
1200Information: When it is not attacking, it appears as three glowing lights and is very difficult to see (look at live photo). [CV is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus measured from only 4 hits taken.
2.5DPS: 2400

Turbulent Manifestation820Name: Turbulent Manifestation
Family: Shadow
2200Level: 1830
Location: Shadowplane
2200Information: Casts an aura (of function...?)
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Stats very widely estimated. Darkus and swing rate are vaguely measured (n = 4 hits only). Stats seem to vary widely. Atkus to hit is measured (but seems quite variable).
16DPS: 688

Grasping Horror700Name: Grasping Horror
Family: Shadow
3000Level: 1970
Location: Shadowplane
1100Information: Spawns Dark Wards which do ... large damage over time over a large area? Has a different appearance if found on the Shadowplane or if on our plane (shown in live picture).
Rarity: Rare
Difficulty: Tons of health. Unclear what are its other distinguishing characteristics. Stats very widely estimated.

Penumbryx1800Name: Penumbryx
Family: Shadow
3600Level: 2145
Location: Shadowplane
2200Information: Causes "splash" damage to all those in a full circle around it. Drops a chest worth a few coins. Slightly lighter in appearance than the Fragile Penumbryx, identical in appearance to the Lesser Penumbryx. (The pictures are taken from different attack angles.)
Rarity: Rare
2000Worth: Chest: Around 50c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Absurdly difficult to hit, and tons of health. Hits not particularly damaging, but almost impossible to brick and the damage is dealt in a 360 degree circle, although not evenly. Darkus is measured for direct hits (thanks Ponyo!).
8.5DPS: 1294

Shadowmau StalkerName: Shadowmau Stalker
Family: Shadow
Level: 2222
Location: Shadowplane (Forest)
Information: Its visibility changes from highly visible, to completely invisible, to spectral, as you fight it. [CV is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Unique (Boss)