Moolah Minion330Name: Moolah Minion
Family: Uncategorized
2750Level: 0
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Kalian's Coin Purse)
500Information: Ferals.
Rarity: Common
Worth: Bounty: 10-30c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit when swung out is 90, or 330 if not swung out but with a timed swing. Atkus to hit is using the untrapped measurement. Defense to brick is extremely high (at least > 2300)
20DPS: 125

Cash Golem640Name: Cash Golem
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 0
Location: Land of Dank Believe (East Forest)
1650Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
9DPS: 917

Bloodthorn60Name: Bloodthorn
Family: Uncategorized
55Level: 8
Location: Puddleby area (farms)
13Information: Slow. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
27Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
4DPS: 16

Stone Wall100Name: Stone Wall
Family: Uncategorized
0Level: 10
Location: Tenebrion's Castle, Basement
0Information: None. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common (in the same spot).
400Worth: 0
Difficulty: It's just a wall.
0DPS: 0

Spriggin80Name: Spriggin
Family: Uncategorized
0Level: 20
Location: Puddleby forests (spiritwood, tree giant breeding grounds), northeastern foothills (tree giant breeding grounds).
0Information: Pacifist. Cast magic that will sap balance from exiles (every ~50 rames) and forces them into an awkward pose. They teleport while exclaiming "Watch this!" as you get close to it. Spriggin pickpockets can be recognized by different yells, among them "Wah-hoo!" when they have snatched coins from someone's purse, or by yelling "Give it up you rube!" signaling their presence. One is in the seventh circle healer's test. Thievery (pickpocket only). [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Regular spriggins are common. Pickpockets are rare.
7Worth: Bounty: 1 – 2
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
0DPS: 0

Voolcon1Name: Voolcon
Family: Uncategorized
0Level: 20
Location: Devil's Island (within the walled city)
0Information: They speak in a "long forgotten" tongue. Some carry staffs, some do not. They do not attack. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Common
50Worth: 0
Difficulty: They will not attack exiles. Easiest creature to hit in all of the lands. Atkus is measured - zero Atkus (even racial Atkus) will hit fully.
0DPS: 0

Beehive270Name: Beehive
Family: Uncategorized
0Level: 100
Location: Eastern Mountains (Entry, Bison Plains)
0Information: Stationary. Pacifist. Does not attack. Destroying the hive results in variable numbers of bees (usually ~1-2, but sometimes 0 and sometimes more) coming out. Attacking the hive without killing it does not result in bees. [Level is estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
90Worth: 0
Difficulty: No danger. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
0DPS: 0

Slime Monster100Name: Slime Monster
Family: Uncategorized
100Level: 260
Location: Puddleby Area (South Forest Slime Cave ONLY)
150Information: Saps balance. Splits, can slime exiles, which saps their balance and freezes them. Comes in four sizes, pictured (tiny, small, medium, large). Experience and slaughter are only valid for the tiny slime monster, the others give no "kill" message when they split apart.
Rarity: Common
100Worth: 0
Difficulty: Varies slightly between sizes, although not as much as you would think. Darkus for medium slime monster is roughly 125, 100 for small, 80 for tiny.
6DPS: 125

Turmoil350Name: Turmoil
Family: Uncategorized
900Level: 350
Location: Geharza plane
400Information: [Level is estimated.] HUGE variation in strength, from slaughter to vanquish.
Rarity: Common
300Worth: 0
Difficulty: Vary in strength significantly; for a seventh circle fighter, they will vary from 'slaughter' to 'vanquish,' so the numbers below are a vague average.

Astral Guardian540Name: Astral Guardian
Family: Uncategorized
400Level: 360
Location: Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane
200Information: None.
Rarity: Common
450Worth: Bounty: Up to 3c (usually 1 or 2c)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
10DPS: 100

Lost DreamName: Lost Dream
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 505
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Rainforest Zone)
Rarity: Medium

Wasted Guardian1020Name: Wasted Guardian
Family: Uncategorized
1200Level: 710
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Astral Zone)
275Information: None
Rarity: Common
550Worth: Bounty: 1-2c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
9DPS: 153

Thirsty Knowledge520Name: Thirsty Knowledge
Family: Uncategorized
1300Level: 735
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Blood Zone)
650Information: None
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
5DPS: 650

Dankyssal Hunter460Name: Dankyssal Hunter
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 835
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Abyssal Zone)
300Information: None.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
2DPS: 750

Shadowguild Master Balloonist440Name: Shadowguild Master Balloonist
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 855
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Skybrary)
1400Information: Fires projectile.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Dispatch for Doctor X on 1 July 2023. Low N estimate for damage (n = 2)
8DPS: 875

GrasperName: Grasper
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 999
Location: Shadowplane
Information: CV is wildly estimated. Uses a grasping "hand" that comes out of the ground and pulls any exile - living or dead - to it. Somewhat like the Hellebore, but it also works on the living.
Rarity: Medium-Rare?

Foxweir Friend220Name: Foxweir Friend
Family: Uncategorized
2800Level: 1005
Location: Vale of Giants (Forest)
520Information: Thievery, steals from fallen exiles.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured - with very good timing. With mediocre timing, about 380 Atkus to hit. Very accurate strikes, at least 2800 defense to brick -- maybe more.
4.3DPS: 605

Mimic320Name: Mimic
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 1005
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Kalian's Coin Purse)
1000Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
1200Worth: Chest: 1-2c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
10DPS: 500

Dwarven Miner1150Name: Dwarven Miner
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 1060
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Storybook)
350Information: None.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
4DPS: 438

Scarewan270Name: Scarewan
Family: Uncategorized
2150Level: 1130
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Scareland)
1800Information: None
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured (note that it is high Bangus). Histia is measured. Defense to brick is fairly accurate.
7DPS: 1286

Dark Rift0Name: Dark Rift
Family: Uncategorized
1000Level: 1200
Location: Vale of Giants (Crypts), Ancient Bear Caves
360Information: Lays traps. Invisible unless a Mystic is nearby. The fallen message when killed by its magic is "... has fallen to a mysterious force." It can only be killed by healers with a moonstone. [Level is wildly estimated.]
Rarity: Medium
1000Worth: Chest [worth ??]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is not applicable -- you cannot swing at a rift, even with a dueling blade.
4DPS: 450

Money Balloon490Name: Money Balloon
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 1200
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Skybrary - Sky Zone)
1100Information: Drops chest (worth around 1500c to each). Drops item (lump of gold ore). CV is estimated BUT NOT CALCULATED; least 950.
Rarity: Rare
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
8DPS: 688

Jerk Knight920Name: Jerk Knight
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 1220
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Storybook)
700Information: None.
Rarity: Common
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
6DPS: 583

Giayl750Name: Giayl
Family: Uncategorized
2700Level: 1250
Location: Eastern Mountains (Windweft Glacier Cave)
900Information: Cannot be studied. Not possible to get family bonus. Drops item (a moon manual, semi-rare). Often drops a large "fair" chest worth around 500c per person and a substantial amount of experience. Shoots bouncing lightning. Can 'pathfind' through walls to avoid being cornered (though does not go far, unlike the Juliosaur). Can create a decoy (see picture--the full health Giayl). [Level is estimated; known to be higher than Mountain Greymyr.]
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
1200Worth: "Fair" Chest: Around 500c coins per person [~50% chance]. The "fair" chest does not split based on number of people (i.e. 2 people = chest is 1000c total; 10 people = chest is 5,000c total)
Difficulty: Giayl is the 'boss' of the area, and can almost always be found there similar to the Amakua or Ctenizidae

Orion900Name: Orion
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 1280
Location: Centaur Island (North Orionwood)
1750Information: It demands that everyone on-snell kneel for judgement (see live image). If they do not kneel, they will receive a large amount of damage. Can travel between snells on its own, without nearby exiles.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured.
7.5DPS: 1167

Tipulid1050Name: Tipulid
Family: Uncategorized
3000Level: 1325
Location: Ethereal Plane, Tenebrion's Island
1100Information: The strength of Tipulids used to vary wildly (e.g. two consecutive ones, one may be vanquish the other a slaughter), but now appears to be relatively constantly dangerous.
Rarity: Medium-Rare. More common on the first plane of EP.
1000Worth: Mandibles: 10 - 31
Difficulty: Darkus is measured, although variability is high. Atkus to hit is measured (note that it is highly variable from Tipulid to Tipulid).
4DPS: 1375

Lord Pumpkin650Name: Lord Pumpkin
Family: Uncategorized
2200Level: 1790
Location: Ash Island Barrens (Pumpkin Patch Village, east of graveyard)
1150Information: Drops a fair chest worth around 100c per person in the area. Family unknown. Spawns Exploding Pumpkins every few seconds that move towards the target and deal 50-100 Histia of damage on contact.
Rarity: Rare.
6000Worth: Chest: 50-200c.
Difficulty: Incredibly difficult to take down due to its approximately 5 billion histia (estimated). Exploding pumpkins require some skill to avoid.

Snowy Maiden1200Name: Snowy Maiden
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 2250
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Storybook)
1500Information: None.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
5DPS: 1500

Evil Noble King1170Name: Evil Noble King
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 2370
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Storybook)
3000Information: Drops a chest worth a few dozen coins. No special abilities.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
Worth: Chest: 20-70c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
7DPS: 2143

RamanduName: Ramandu
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 2620
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Ramanduland)
Information: Spawn incredibly quickly. There are "a Ramandus" which are weak, and a "the Ramandu" which is very strong. CV listed below is for "the" Ramandu.
Rarity: Unique (Boss), Ultra Common (Clones)

Wizard Q'vynnName: Wizard Q'vynn
Family: Uncategorized
Level: 3435
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Skybrary - Boss Zone)
1850Information: Has three forms that must be killed in succession: first an undisclosed, then a greenish unique 'Noth, and finally a spriggin. Shoots lightning. Can split into two, like Giayl. Can move between snells on its own free will. CV is measured for the last form; the first two forms are somewhat lower CV (not estimated) but do not leave a body.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
Difficulty: Darkus is measured for the spriggin form.
4DPS: 2313