Yorilla530Name: Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1300Level: 500
Location: Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest)
550Information: None.
Rarity: Common
500Worth: Fur: 9 – 22
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 344

Confused Yorilla380Name: Confused Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1300Level: 535
Location: Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest)
500Information: Ferals in a confused manner.
Rarity: Rare
475Worth: Fur: 13 – 30
Difficulty: Almost identical to the regular yorilla, but because it ferals (and therefore swings out), it is much easier to bring down.

Raja-Yorilla620Name: Raja-Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1400Level: 565
Location: Metzetli Island (Deathroots and Tepui)
575Information: None.
Rarity: Common
575Worth: Fur: 7 – 16
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 359

Snow Yorilla610Name: Snow Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1400Level: 580
Location: Seasonal Cold & Snowy (Metzetli Island Jungle)
650Information: None
Rarity: Medium
Difficulty: Atkus to hit is measured. Darkus is measured. Histia is measured.
7.3DPS: 448

Madzume Yorilla570Name: Madzume Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1500Level: 610
Location: Metzetli Island (jungle and rainforest)
750Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
725Worth: Fur: 17 – 53
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
7.5DPS: 500

Utsanna Raja-Yorilla820Name: Utsanna Raja-Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1600Level: 700
Location: Metzetli Island (Deathroots and Tepui)
625Information: None.
Rarity: Medium
850Worth: Fur: 21 – 68
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8.3DPS: 379

Sezuma Yorilla420Name: Sezuma Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1800Level: 720
Location: Metzetli Island (Tepui), Eastern Mountains (Ensconcement)
900Information: Earthquake (interval not measured). Sap balance. The sezuma yorilla can stomp the ground causing minor earthquakes that will stun exiles. The other creatures found on the tepui can still move during a sezuma's pound, making these yorillas extremely dangerous when with other creatures.
Rarity: Medium
800Worth: Fur: 23 – 87
Difficulty: Darkus is measured.
8DPS: 563

Frost Yorilla610Name: Frost Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1800Level: 740
Location: Eastern Mountains (Windweft and Foghaven Glacier)
600Information: None.
Rarity: Common.
690Worth: Fur: 31 – 77 [n = 206, 400 skea]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
8DPS: 375

Tawny Yorilla680Name: Tawny Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1800Level: 780
Location: Eastern Mountains (Ensconcement and Lower Foghaven Mountain)
725Information: Throws pebbles dealing 350 Darkus, roughly every 20 frames. Regular swings deal roughly 725 Darkus every 10 frames (including the pause to throw pebbles). Rarely drops lumps of ore.
Rarity: Medium
950Worth: Fur: 28 – 100 [n = 704, 400 skea]
Difficulty: Stats are quite variable for this creature. But, Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is measured.
10DPS: 363

Abominable Snow Yorilla600Name: Abominable Snow Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1800Level: 805
Location: Eastern Mountains (Windweft and Foghaven Glacier)
875Information: Throws icy snowballs (damage and rate not measured).
Rarity: Medium.
960Worth: Fur: 19 – 63
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured. Histia is well estimated.
8DPS: 547

Spectral Yorilla910Name: Spectral Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
1900Level: 815
Location: Metzetli Island (Astrum Crypt)
Rarity: Medium
800Worth: 0
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
6.5DPS: 558

Escaping Yorilla570Name: Escaping Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
2000Level: 835
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Bookfort Zoo)
675Information: Throws a pebble roughly every 50 frames.
Rarity: Common
750Worth: Fur: 10-60c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured for swings. Atkus to hit is measured.
8DPS: 422

Utsanna Tawny Yorilla760Name: Utsanna Tawny Yorilla
Family: Yorilla
2300Level: 930
Location: Eastern Mountains (Ensconcement and Lower Foghaven Mountain)
925Information: None.
Rarity: Common.
1100Worth: Fur: 36 – 105 [n = 829, 400 skea]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Histia is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
8DPS: 578

Samahee Thornriders450Name: Samahee Thornriders
Family: Yorilla
Level: 1090
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Rainforest Zone)
800Information: Extremely small hitbox for the size of the monster. No other special ability.
Rarity: Medium
Worth: Fur: 10-50c [low N estimate]
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is measured.
9.5DPS: 421

Samahee Raider1650Name: Samahee Raider
Family: Yorilla
4250Level: 2370
Location: Land of Dank Believe (Bookfort Zoo - North)
2750Information: Family is uncertain.
Rarity: Unique (Boss)
3500Worth: Chest: Worth around 75c to everyone nearby (low N estimate).
Difficulty: Darkus is measured. Atkus to hit is roughly estimated, but not calculated.
7DPS: 1964